operation organizational chart


Nhất Phẩm Hoàng Gia Group Culture is a crystallization of many Vietnamese cultural values like: National culture, Regional culture, Vietnamese people’s morale like: Always aim for customer satisfaction. Always thinking new – affirm the values of Vietnamese brands. Always respectful, friendly, understanding and above all, sharing with everyone.

Our corporate identity “Sincere – Responsibility for the Community”



Năm 2020 – 2030 hình thành Hiệp hội thương mại, xúc tiến các Hiệp hội trong và ngoài nước để tạo ra lưu lượng hàng hóa đa chiều và đa dạng các mặt hàng.


To Customer: commit to bring quality satisfaction and  serve with all our hearts.

To Partners: commit to bring the most practical values and effects in cooperation.

To staffs: commit to become the big family with unique culture-identity, create the values and promotion – development in organization.


  • Reputation – quality.
  • Commit responsibility.
  • Listening and understanding.
  • Sincere and belief.
  • Aim for community benefits.