When communicating with others, it is common to express our agreement or disagreement towards a certain topic. In Indonesian language, there are several ways to do so. In this article, we will explore the different ways of expressing agreement and disagreement in Indonesian using the word “penjelasan.”
1. Expressing agreement using “penjelasan”
When we agree with someone in Indonesian, we can use “penjelasan” to express our support towards their opinion. For example:
“Saya setuju dengan penjelasan Anda tentang pentingnya mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara di depan umum.” (I agree with your explanation about the importance of developing public speaking skills.)
In this sentence, “penjelasan” is used to refer to the explanation given by the person we agree with. By using this word, we acknowledge the reasoning behind their opinion and show our support towards it.
2. Expressing disagreement using “penjelasan”
On the other hand, when we disagree with someone, we can also use “penjelasan” to explain our point of view. For example:
“Saya tidak setuju dengan penjelasan Anda tentang kegunaan bantuan luar negeri untuk memajukan negara kita.” (I disagree with your explanation about the usefulness of foreign aid in advancing our country.)
In this sentence, “penjelasan” is used to refer to the explanation given by the person we disagree with. By using this word, we acknowledge their opinion but also provide an alternative viewpoint to the discussion.
3. Expressing neutral agreement using “penjelasan”
In some cases, we may not necessarily agree or disagree with someone`s opinion but would like to show our understanding and support towards their point of view. In this situation, we can use “penjelasan” to express our neutral agreement. For example:
“Saya memahami penjelasan Anda tentang tantangan yang dihadapi oleh industri kreatif dalam menghadapi perkembangan teknologi.” (I understand your explanation about the challenges faced by the creative industry in dealing with technological advancements.)
In this sentence, “penjelasan” is used to show our acknowledgement and support towards the other person`s opinion without necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with it.
In conclusion, “penjelasan” is a versatile word that can be used to express our agreement, disagreement, or neutral agreement towards someone`s opinion in Indonesian. By using this word, we can effectively communicate our point of view and contribute to a meaningful discussion. As a writer, it is important to be able to use this word correctly in order to convey our message and connect with our audience.